Princess Margaret Secondary School, a small high school embodied in a concealed town known as Penticton, British Columbia. This well used building beholds a prison like look, and has a capacity of roughly 700 adolescent teenagers. These juvenile delinquents are the epicenter of harassment. Although some cases of this bullying are minor, compared to others, the verbal outbursts heard protruding through the halls are still as vile as ever.
With the spike in levels of tormenting, walking through these shallow corridors can be considered equally pain-killing as running through a Roman gauntlet. Bullying is an everyday event in many teenagers lives, and in many cases, an unavoidable occurrence. Most cases of bullying are usually just a "Hey loser!" between friends, nothing too serious. High school bullying is mostly mental and verbal, but there are some physical cases as well. Thankfully the faculty staff at Princess Margaret Secondary School are quick when it comes to breaking apart a fight.
Bully, a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. Bully, the cause of many peoples tears. Bullying is too common in schools and is taking over teenagers well-being. Stand up to bullying and help people stop these outbursts of torture.
Bully, a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. Bully, the cause of many peoples tears. Bullying is too common in schools and is taking over teenagers well-being. Stand up to bullying and help people stop these outbursts of torture.
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