Monday, February 7, 2011

Let Me In!!!

Dear People of the Big Building Full of Books,

First of all, you should know that I am a Princess, and my name is Chelsea, ergo Princess Chelsea. I rule all of humanity from here to Jupiter. Glitter is your friend. People often compare me to Oprah, not because I have my own talk show, although I should, and my people are working on that, but because of my fame, fortune, outstanding good looks, and of course my charming personality. *insert smile here*

I personally hold 39,998 of the 40,000 records in the Guinness World Record Book, and I am currently working on achieving the last two. I can lick my elbow. I discovered the law of physics, I taught Albert Einstein math,  I discovered fire,  I had brunch with Jesus, and I still had time to read to the blind. I eat yogurt with a fork. For my 16th birthday my mother bought me a red 2010 Camero, and for my 17th birthday she bought me the Sun. I plan on visiting soon, but at night, so its not so hot. Chuck Norris is afraid of me.

I wrote quite a few of Shakespeare's symphony's and I am well-know as Spiderman's best friend and unnamed sidekick, although I do all of the work. "Why am I unnamed?" you may ask. Well my friend Spidey promised me that he would keep this a secret because of the publicity problems I already encounter on a daily basis. That is why he takes all of the credit for my multiple rescues.

All together I have completed over 39,000 records, saved millions of lives, read to the blind, and help some of the most historical people get to where they are today. I have a time traveling machine and I am a Princess. You would be lucky to have me as a student in your facility, and if you don't accept this I will tear your building down and build a new mall, only allowing me, Princess Chelsea, inside.

Thank You,
Princess Chelsea, ruler of all.

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