Thursday, February 24, 2011

School of Bullies or School For Bullies?

         Princess Margaret Secondary School, a small high school embodied in a concealed town known as Penticton, British Columbia. This well used building beholds a prison like look, and has a capacity of roughly 700 adolescent teenagers. These juvenile delinquents are the epicenter of harassment. Although some cases of this bullying are minor, compared to others, the verbal outbursts heard protruding through the halls are still as vile as ever. 
    With the spike in levels of tormenting, walking through these shallow corridors can be considered equally pain-killing as running through a Roman gauntlet. Bullying is an everyday event in many teenagers lives, and in many cases, an unavoidable occurrence. Most cases of bullying are usually just a "Hey loser!" between friends, nothing too serious. High school bullying is mostly mental and verbal, but there are some physical cases as well. Thankfully the faculty staff at Princess Margaret Secondary School are quick when it comes to breaking apart a fight. 
     Bully, a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. Bully, the cause of many peoples tears. Bullying is too common in schools and is taking over teenagers well-being. Stand up to bullying and help people stop these outbursts of torture.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Let Me In!!!

Dear People of the Big Building Full of Books,

First of all, you should know that I am a Princess, and my name is Chelsea, ergo Princess Chelsea. I rule all of humanity from here to Jupiter. Glitter is your friend. People often compare me to Oprah, not because I have my own talk show, although I should, and my people are working on that, but because of my fame, fortune, outstanding good looks, and of course my charming personality. *insert smile here*

I personally hold 39,998 of the 40,000 records in the Guinness World Record Book, and I am currently working on achieving the last two. I can lick my elbow. I discovered the law of physics, I taught Albert Einstein math,  I discovered fire,  I had brunch with Jesus, and I still had time to read to the blind. I eat yogurt with a fork. For my 16th birthday my mother bought me a red 2010 Camero, and for my 17th birthday she bought me the Sun. I plan on visiting soon, but at night, so its not so hot. Chuck Norris is afraid of me.

I wrote quite a few of Shakespeare's symphony's and I am well-know as Spiderman's best friend and unnamed sidekick, although I do all of the work. "Why am I unnamed?" you may ask. Well my friend Spidey promised me that he would keep this a secret because of the publicity problems I already encounter on a daily basis. That is why he takes all of the credit for my multiple rescues.

All together I have completed over 39,000 records, saved millions of lives, read to the blind, and help some of the most historical people get to where they are today. I have a time traveling machine and I am a Princess. You would be lucky to have me as a student in your facility, and if you don't accept this I will tear your building down and build a new mall, only allowing me, Princess Chelsea, inside.

Thank You,
Princess Chelsea, ruler of all.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ninja's Attack Maggie Students.

April 9th, 2011 at Princess Margret Secondary School a riot breaks out, cops are sprawled out for blocks, and one survivor remains in the debris. Her reflection shines off a piece of glass, my face prominently distorted with fear.  I, being the only survivor, was forced to recall the entire attack, relive specific events, and imagine the terrifying faces of those who ambushed my school. This horrific day started out like any other, an early morning. Arriving at school, precisely 7:32am, I tiredly sauntered to my locker, number 147, turned my lock 25 right, 13 left, and 5 right. Unlatching the rusted lock, the metal door screeches open and the once bright fluorescent lights above me peer in, I look down the never ending hallway and think to myself, as I do every morning, "why am I here so early?". Coming out of my subjective thought I can see a dark figure appearing more and more with each step. Becoming concerned as he presents himself to the surface of my view I acknowledge him. "Good Morning" I say, hopeful that the dark creature shows his true identity with a response, a voice. Nothing. No response. "Are you new?" I question him, still pleading for a response, but still, nothing. The dark figure of the masked man then turns the corner and proceeds down the hallway now blending in with my arriving peers. I soon found myself grasping the cold plastic covering of my English binder, and as I do that I hear a blatant ruckus, such a surprising blunder made me dropped my book and papers flew everywhere. Being the curious student I am I went to look at what made the noise, as I peaked around the corner I found myself eye to eye with a black shadow, it was the masked man. The extraordinarily loud noise was back again and now sounds like it may possibly be closer to me then it was before. With the floor beneath my feet shaking, I try to keep my balance, and question what might have possibly happened. Just then the dark figured man began to giggle, over time this became a hysterical laugh. Afraid as to the mental stability of this man I ran away, out the aged wooden doors with rusty metal handles, across the patch of yellow brown grass, and into the parking lot. Turning around I hear three more explosions, and with the last uproar my once beloved school collapsed. "How am I expected to graduate without a school building?". "How will I explain this to my peers families?". A flood of questions rushed through my mind like a freshly cracked dam and as I stand there, looking in the direction of where the never ending hallway should be, I think to myself, "why was I here so early?". That is when I awoken from my dream and found myself in Mr.VanCamps English 12 class, not only was I missing a lecture, but, I was snoring also.