Monday, May 9, 2011

Don't Worry, It's Under Control.

     Bullying. It's not a problem at my school. Everyone here adores each other unconditionally, and would never do anything to distress or inflict suffering upon any of their peers. No. Bullying is not a problem at my school, everything is under control.

     Every morning a well-prepared and academically statured student will make his way down the corridor, encountering many people along his journey. A large student, of whom this nimble young man has not been introduced, will give him a firm and concrete shove as a "good morning" from one friend to another. The kind stranger then asks the intelligent lad if he would care to spend time with him after school, in the parking lot, with him and his friends. The young man graciously accepts and continues towards his lecture group.

     During lunch, this incredibly lucky being is discover by an even larger group of saps, again with no affiliation to him, and is given a welcoming fist to the abdomen, a gentle caress of the face, and a lovely new boot print on his back. Demonstrating his gratitude, the young man slowly rises to his feet, to show his tears of happiness and bloody nose of gratefulness. Feeling more accepted with the peers of my school, this young man leaves school, or life, forever, a blessed and delighted human being.

     Bullying is not a problem at my school, or schools anywhere, and should be disregarded as a problem. The recipients of a daily affectionate fist to the abdomen, face, or anywhere else, are thankful for the blatant disregard. Don't worry, it's under control.

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